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Opinions - we all have them. Much like beliefs, there are plenty of opinions to go around and we tend to spend a lot of time arguing with each other over those opinions. There is nothing wrong with having opinions. I have opinions too, just like everybody else. Just like with morality, it's not the opinion that's the problem, it's what we do with it that gets us into trouble.

Neutrality is the idea of allowing all things to co-exist equally, regardless of how we feel or think about them personally. It is the idea of getting okay with things as they are. I understand that this is going to seem hypocritical once again, but I'm here for a very specific group of people - the ones who are tired of fighting; the ones who are tired of being told to take a side; the ones who are tired of being told that not advocating for x, y, or z is just as bad as being against those things; the ones who have a lane, their own lane, that doesn't include advocating, fighting, or picking a side. Neutrality is the middle lane, with the slow cars on the left and the fast cars on the right and no judgment of any of them no matter how fast or slow they are going.

Neutrality doesn't mean not caring, it doesn't mean putting your head in the sand while pretending nothing is going on - it is simply understanding that there is nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with the slow cars. There is nothing wrong with the fast cars. Both have their pros and cons. Both are allowed to exist equally and neutrally. Neutrality is the acceptance of exactly that - the existence of all things equally and neutrally. That's not to say that we can't work toward change, it just means we don't try to force it on people - we drop the fight and allow change to happen naturally as people come to their own self-understanding.

Personally, I'm here to encourage everybody to drop the fight. That's why I'm doing this. I'm here to encourage everybody to get okay with everything they like and don't like, while just allowing it all to freely exist. I'm encouraging everybody to heal the fear of "what if?". I'm encouraging neutrality. It's hard to encourage neutrality while being neutral because to encourage neutrality I have to form a not so neutral opinion about the fighting and then encourage people to drop it.

Why do I think we should drop the fight? The fighting is what creates the division we see in the world. The inability to be neutral enough to allow the world to be at as it is means we've come to a place where we can't even have a conversation anymore. We can't be nice to people that don't think exactly the same way we do.  We argue, we insult, we attack, we claim moral high ground, and we blame each other viciously for the problems in the world. All of that vitriol is adding up to create a cataclysmic divide that will forever change the landscape of the United States, and presumably much of North America along with it.

If I can't convince you to drop the fight, then at the very least, I need to prepare you to handle the violent turbulence we're going to experience instead. Either way, neutrality is going to be your friend, because without it what's going to happen next will be very painful to watch and very hard to process. The fundamental understanding that you need to have as we experience the next steps in this division is that all experience is neutral. As with existentialism, the experience has no inherent meaning of its own. It will serve you well going forward, if you can avoid creating painful meanings from the things you see happening around you. That means mastering the art of neutrality before life makes that a very difficult skill to learn. 

I'm not saying any of this to scare you. It's just the truth of the path the United States is currently choosing. They are unhappy with the status quo, which is completely fair, and have chosen to take a proverbial torch to it as a means of changing it. I'm not sure they totally understand what they are doing, but they are doing it anyway and all the rest of us can do is watch. Neutrality means sitting back and watching - as painful as it is to do. While we watch, with horror in our hearts and popcorn in our hands, it is becoming increasingly important to create a firm sense of internal stability. When the world around you is rocking and rolling, having a stable internal anchor  allows you to be okay anyway. That is managing yourself in the experience. 

Neutrality is a big part of self-mastery because neutrality creates enough space between you and your experience to allow you to consciously choose how to interpret and respond to the experience. Without that bit of space, you continually unconsciously react to your experience. Sometimes, this can be part of the reason why people who think they've healed certain things still have their experiences showing them the same pain. The reason the experience is stuck on repeat is because you're still acting as though you're in the old pain. You're still unconsciously reacting from the old pain. Healing and self-mastery mean healing not just the thoughts and feelings but also the behavior. It is once you can do all three in tandem that your experience will change.

It took me a while to understand neutrality, because I too thought that neutrality meant not caring. I struggled to let go of my experience enough to allow neutrality to become my normal. But as it turns out, neutrality was simply a basis for me to be able to manage myself within the experience. From neutrality, I could get clear guidance, have a clearer vision of what was going on, my perspective was less wonky, and I had an easier time navigating my experience generally. Neutrality made life easier because I was less attached to my experience so I wasn't as bothered by it. That allowed me to make more conscious choices and truly pick and choose what I wanted to take on and what I wanted to leave behind. I wasn't having overwhelming emotional reactions anymore, which meant I could use my logical brain and intuition instead of adrenaline and emotion.

Below you'll find articles on neutrality, how it works, what it is and what it isn't, and why it's helpful in the spiritual self-mastery space especially when dealing with and healing from the deeply ingrained opinions and beliefs we all have. Remember to always take what works for you and leave the rest. The idea is to expand our way of viewing the world, not argue about the right or wrong way to see it.

Love to all.
