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What is Free Will?

Free will is the ability to have absolute control over your own choices without fear of consequences. Most people suggest that right now free will does not exist because we do have to consider the consequences of our actions. I personally believe that we have free will as long as we're willing to accept the consequences of our choices. The reality is that consequences don't fully stop people from doing things they are intent on doing anyway. We see that all the time in society. 

We are souls or spirits in meat suits. We are not our human forms or the egos attached to those human forms. When we come into our human forms we come in with a life path, a theme we're here to explore or a set of experiences we're planning to have. There are many, many variables within that and the set of experiences we have can change, but the theme will always be consistent. What that means is that if there is an experience that your soul feels you need to have, you will be put in the path of that experience. If that experience is not helpful to you or you are not meant to have it, you will not have it. 

We see this play out all the time in life. We have sole survivors of plane crashes, people missing flights entirely that end up crashing, houses that survive in neighborhoods that are otherwise destroyed, and so on. When we're not meant to have the experience, we don't have the experience. The idea of determinism is that it's all predetermined, but I don't think it's that black and white. I believe there is plenty of room for the experiences to change, for the human to learn and then outgrow certain experiences, changing their path and their future experiences entirely. The soul is set to explore the theme, but how that theme is explored is not completely predetermined and is changeable at the human level when the human is willing to do the healing work. 

If we accept that each person comes in with their own life path or theme and nobody can harm anybody that isn't meant to have a given experience, then it opens us up to the idea that free will is possible. Abraham Hicks says "nobody can inject anything into your experience". This is exactly what she means  - if you're not meant to have the experience it will not happen. What it comes down to is that we cannot protect people from the types of experiences they are meant to have. 

The restriction of free will doesn't solve or prevent anything. It is based on a very limited perception of how experience works. Why are people allowed and even encouraged to have painful experiences? To answer this question we look at philosophical constructs like existentialism for the answer. The experience is neutral. It has no inherent meaning of it's own. We are being provided with experiences based on how our soul knows we will interpret the experience, not because the experience itself has meaning. The soul realizes it's not about the experience, that's why you have it. The soul doesn't make the experience a problem because it's not the experience that is the problem  - it is what you do with the experience within yourself that becomes the problem we must solve.

That leads into the idea of self-mastery. When we master ourselves within the experience, what we're doing is offering ourselves the ability to choose how we respond to the experience. We're not letting the experience decide how we feel. We're not letting our immediate judgment of the experience determine how we respond. We're consciously questioning our interpretation, our emotional response, and finding the truth of the experience for ourselves. The truth of the experience is not based on pain. The truth of the experience is that it was meant to show you something about yourself so that you could heal. Experience is meant for learning not suffering.

For society to accept free will we have to change a lot of how we see and interpret our human experience. Many of the human constructs that society currently runs on are simply not true. They are ego projections based on fear, lack, control, greed, and power. Those things have become the foundations for how experience is interpreted and used by people in their lives. In turn, they make people believe that control and moral agreement are the solutions to the problem, when in truth they exacerbate the lies that are at the foundation of all of it.

Free will is not something to be afraid of. It is a reason to understand ourselves better. It should be the goal of our society - to free the people within it to create lives they deeply resonate with.  That is what will ultimately heal the pain we see projected around us all the time.

Love to all.
